I’m trying not to run for my keyboard every time something happens. Especially considering I have an approaching deadline to finish my book ‘Metaphysical Man the Don Quijote of the Digital Age’. Nevertheless I feel as if I need to write about something that happened last night especially since it ties in with something I mentioned in a previous post. And that’s home invasions. 

Yesterday my wife and I were approached on the street by a soldier who wanted to know who we were, what we were doing and where we are from. As he questioned us I noticed a truck full of his fellow officers emptying onto the street preparing for a raid. While we explained our nationality using strong American accents many others were arrested and loaded into the trucks. As I said, I wasn’t planning on writing about this event as it is becoming commonplace. But the same night we heard some sort of altercation occurring behind our house. I peeked out the window and saw an angry soldier yelling at the neighbors in broken English about something. Suddenly the large soldier walked to the wooden window of the neighboring house, lifted his powerful leg which was decked in blue  camouflage which if I’m not mistaken indicates the Air Force. With his shiny black combat boot he noisily smashed in the wooden window while the neighbors stood by afraid to interfere. After a while a bare arm came out the window and threw something onto the ground. It could have been his documents but it was most likely money. The soldier picked it up and walked away satisfied.

We have the proper documents but I’d be lying if I said the accelerating aggressiveness of this particular ‘Control’ doesn’t have me a little worried. I can’t help but wondering, will my home eventually be raided?   

Are you a fan of Don Quijote? You may enjoy this new book. When Metaphysical Man, Atro City’s resident superhero and trendsetter is inadvertently sucked into an alternate world by a mysterious super villain he’s forced to overcome his only weakness; reality. Read more at http://smashwords.com/books/view/540303#amreading #amwriting



I found this T-shirt at a market in Central Africa 

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Notes from underground

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear…
You shout and no one seems to hear!
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes…
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon

– Pink Floyd

Want a sneak peek of my upcoming novel? Preorders are now available @pubslush! Get some great early bird rewards : ) Link to https://pubslush.com/project/6761

Notes from underground

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon…
And if there is no room upon the hill…
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too…
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.

– Pink Floyd

Want a sneak peek of my upcoming novel? Preorders are now available @pubslush! Get some great early bird rewards : ) Link to https://pubslush.com/project/6761